Barkly Highway State School - Term 1 Week 2
Principal's Welcome
Welcome back!
Welcome to each of our 2021 families! I trust all students will have an exciting year of learning during which our teachers will challenge each student to achieve a year’s growth of learning for a year’s worth of teaching.
We have experienced a very busy beginning to the school year, enrolling 75 new students to the school, including 52 Prep students, who on Wednesday, started their count to the momentous 100 days of Prep celebrations that will occur in July. Welcome also to new and returning staff – including teachers Chelsea Hill (Year 1), Emma Perkins (Year 3), Anita Mears (District Relieving Teacher – DRT) and Natalie Griffith (DRT / Year 2).
Thank you to Happy Valley SS for working with our school and allowing their Business Manager (BM), Shevaun Purcell, to work as our BM, 3 days a week this term while Katrina Wedrat is on leave.
Mount Isa’s Senior Guidance Officer, Sally Bryant, is also based here and will be seen around our school.
The snapshot of students enrolled in Queensland state schools as the 8th day of school, is tomorrow. This day mainly is used to allocate teacher and teacher aide resources to individual schools. As our enrolments currently stand, there will be no changes to our predicted teacher allocation and classes will remain the same as planned for in 2020.
Explicit Improvement Agenda
2021 is the second year of our 4 Year School Plan 2020-2023. After analysis of school data and collaborative discussions the 2021 Explicit Improvement Agenda is:
* Supporting strong relationships
* Quality teaching and learning in reading
* Strengthening mathematical pedagogy
PBL Positive Behaviour for Learning
“At Barkly Highway State School, we believe in supporting strong relationships to provide a positive, inclusive and professional approach to learning and behaviour”.
All new families will receive a fridge magnet that promotes the school’s expectations through the school’s values and can be used at home to remind students when preparing for the school day.
Barbeque Meet and Greet
Thank you to our families who took the opportunity to attend our Meet and Greet before the start of the school year. Feedback from our teachers and families again was very positive. This event allows a more relaxing opportunity to meet each other and then free up the beginning of the first day.
Classroom Parent Meet and Greet – Week 3
During week 3, classroom teachers will share their individual classroom expectations, routines and year level curriculum in classrooms. We acknowledge that while some families with more than one student, may have appointment clashes, teachers are available to speak with you until 3:45 on this day.
· Tuesday – 2:45 Year 3-6
· Thursday – 2:45 Year Prep – Year 2
Thank you for your involvement in this important occasion for parents.
Deputy's Report
What a wonderful beginning to our new school year, whether you are a new or returning teacher or student! During visits to the classrooms, the learning buzz was evident from day one. Thank you to our families for preparing students for school with uniforms, hats, lunchboxes, books and pencils.
PLAY BEFORE FOOD Lunchtime Routine Years 1 to 6
Our students have transitioned to our new lunch routine smoothly. They are enjoying playing first and are returning to classrooms after eating, settled and ready to begin learning. We encourage everyone to use an insulated lunchbox. Lunchboxes are stored in classrooms in the class fridge during learning time.
8:25 Learning time
10:25 Playtime
10:55 Eating time/Tuckshop handed out
11:10 Learning time
1:10 Playtime
1:25 Eating time
1:40 Learning time
2:30 Home time
Our Prep teachers plan on transitioning to PLAY BEFORE FOOD towards the end of this term in preparation for moving to the ‘big school’ for playtime & eating at the start of Term 2.
Students are expected to be at school every day of the school term to ensure they have every opportunity to participate in the learning activities that occur each day. Parents and caregivers are requested to inform the school when a student is away on any day. Leave a message on our absence line by calling 4437 3633 or reply to the SMS. Our school continues to aim high and has an attendance goal of 95%. Last year attendance was: Semester 1 – 89.9%, Semester 2 – 89.0% and overall 89.5%.
Teaching commences at 8:25 in our classrooms. All students entering the school after 8:25 need to go to the school office to be given a late note which must be handed to the teacher on arrival into the classroom.
After 8:15 - Students arrive at school. (Students who arrive at school before 8:05 are required to sit in the undercover area until the 8:05 bell.)
8:05 - 8:20 – Sitting/talking with friends or playing handball. (Students do not go onto verandas until the 8:20 bell).
8:20 bell - Students move to class line-up areas after visiting toilets and drink taps.
8:25 - Teaching commences. Students who arrive after the 8:25 bell, or after the roll has been marked in classrooms, must have a late note from the school office to join the class.
Use of mobile phones and other devices by students
Bringing personal technology devices to school is not encouraged because of the potential for theft and general distraction and/or disruption associated with them. However if they are brought to school, on arrival they must be turned off and handed in to the office. Phones and other devices are not to be used in the school grounds. If staff find items on students, they will be directed to follow school expectation and have them handed into the school office. Breaches my result in discipline.
Quoted from Student Code of Conduct (2020-2023)
Prep drop off and pick up
Prep students are to be walked into class of a morning and collected at 2:30 in the afternoon by an adult. All adults collecting a student must be recorded on your child's profile. If you are unsure or would like to add someone please see the office staff or email
P&C News
On February 16, at 4:00 we will be holding a meeting to discuss design, options and implementing some new all abilities equipment for our school. This is on the back of years of successful fundraising, and we are asking for members of the school community who wish to be involved to come along. This will be a sub-committee that will report for approval any plans/ideas to the P&C. Meet in the administration office at 4:00, look forward to seeing you there!!
Also, our P&C is seeking anyone in the school to takeover as treasurer for our committee!! Our current treasurer Sara is leaving town after some committed years, and we would love for anyone interested to come along to our AGM. Sara is willing to work with the new treasurer to ensure a nice smooth transition!!
Lastly, we have put out ads to replace the irreplaceable Amanda as our Tuckshop convenor!! After an amazing 3 years transforming our Tuckshop to what it is today, Amanda has decided it’s time for a break, and so we are searching for anyone who might be wanting to jump on board!! If interested, please email for more information/position description!
Mischa Grummitt
President - Barkly Highway SS P&C
Years 3 - 6 Swim and Survive Program and Swimming Carnival
This year 3, 4, 5 and 6 are doing four days of swimming during week 5. The students are participating in the swim and survive program, and preparing for their swimming carnival on Friday 26th February.
The timetable for week 5 is below:
Time for bus to leave school Class Swimming Lesson Time
8:35am Year 5/6 B & R 8:45am – 9:30am
9:20am Year 5/6 G & GR 9:30am – 10:15am
11:20am Year 4 11:30am – 12:15pm
12:05pm Year 3 12:15pm – 1pm
COST: $35.00
WHAT TO BRING TO SWIMMING: Togs, towel, sunscreen, water bottle, sun-safe swim shirt/rashie(compulsory), thongs and goggles(optional). PLEASE CLEARLY LABEL ALL BELONGINGS.
Watch out for permission notes for both swimming lessons and swimming carnival, which have all this information plus more.
Student Council 2021
Next week, Barkly Highway’s year 3-6 classrooms will be holding class elections for students interested in joining the Semester 1 Student Council Team. We will hold a second election in term 3 for a semester 2 Student Council Team.
The Student Council is a group of students who represent the student body in a responsible, respectful and safe manner. The group will meet at least twice each term to discuss different fundraising ideas. The funds raised go back into the school as well as the Community. In previous years, we have held Pyjama days, crazy hair days and discos to collect items for Paws, Hoofs and Claws. Families have donated water for the local SES team and we have donated to The Mens Shed and Cancer Council. It is a great opportunity for the students to work as a part of a team and strive to make a positive difference.