Barkly Highway State School - Term 1 Week 4
Principal's Welcome
As we move through each day of the term, educational opportunities are differentiated in classrooms so that every day, each child can learn.
Our school calendar is quickly filling up. Since our last newsletter, our class groups have settled into their routines for 2021. With only our two year 2 classes having a classroom change, to allow each class access to a double teaching space, our 2020 planning for 2021 was finalised. Our day 8 final number was 391 organised into 16 classes.
Last Thursday, our school hosted a visit from Assistant Regional Director, Lesley Pecchiar, for our first three-hour visit for the year. An important part of all visits is our “walk through” of our classrooms. This visit we focused on A Wing, where our four classes of year 5-6 students are organised between six classrooms (spare classroom between two classes). Our teachers work in pairs, enabling the learning areas of Science, HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences) to be taught at a year level. It was very busy in all classrooms, with the first lesson this year of Japanese online. Our children split into cohorts for other lessons. We also visited 1Blue, to show off the work in year 1 who work in D Wing upstairs in the newly refurbished classrooms. We look forward to Lesley’s next visit in week 9 to share with her other focus areas of our school.
This week the parent and teacher meet and greets, were again successful. Teachers were pleased to welcome 5 to 6 parents in most classrooms. Don’t forget, if you were unable to catch-up with your child’s teacher this past week, teachers may be available for you next week.
With our Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) completed, the leadership team will drill into the 2020 data to identify strategies to determine how we can adjust our current strategies so that we can achieve our school targets for 2021. This will involve looking at our Reading targets and Learning Areas of English and Mathematics and identifying strategies and personal goals for students who did not achieve “at or above year level”. This work must be underway by the end of term.
Thank you everyone for ensuring your children are ready for learning every day, arriving at school by 8:20 for when classroom doors are open.
Kind Regards,
Fiona Kropp
Deputy's Report
Student Leadership Parade
On Friday, our annual Student Leadership Parade is being held in the undercover area and commences at 8:30am. It is a formal parade at which badges are presented to the students who have been chosen by their peers and staff to represent our school, classes or sporting house.
School Captains are also presented with a special school badge by the P&C Association. Student leaders and their families who attend the parade are welcome to join the staff for a celebratory cake after the parade.
Students receiving School Captain badges or Student Council Representatives are asked to wear their school uniform, while house leaders are asked to wear their house coloured shirt.
Kind Regards,
Cheryl Gallagher
The riding of skateboards/bicycles/scooters is prohibited in the school grounds. It is recommended that children secure their transportation with a lock and chain during school hours to prevent theft. Children with skateboards/bikes/scooters will use the pedestrian entrance in Buka Street ONLY. When arriving or leaving, children must walk their skateboards/bicycles/scooters from the school and follow appropriate road rules. Children should not borrow or lend their transportation to other students or children.
As quoted in our Parent Information Booklet
P&C Association
Our P&C is seeking anyone in the school to takeover as treasurer for our committee. Our current treasurer Sara is leaving town after some committed years, and we would love for anyone interested to come along to our AGM. Sara is willing to work with the new treasurer to ensure a nice smooth transition.
We have put out ads to replace the irreplaceable Amanda as our Tuckshop convenor. After an amazing 3 years transforming our Tuckshop to what it is today, Amanda has decided it’s time for a break, and so we are searching for anyone who might be wanting to jump on board!! If interested, please email for more information/position description.